About Us
We are a mixed educational institution, with a high academic level, 100% bilingual, and Catholic, fostering values and community spirit. Our commitment is that each student obtains all the necessary tools to develop their talents and abilities and thus achieve success both academically and emotionally.
Generate spaces for integral, mixed, bilingual and Catholic formation through an Educational Model based on KNOWING, KNOWING TO DO, KNOWING TO BE AND KNOWING TO LIVE. Where we promote the self-realization of the members of our Educational Community, through a system of habits and values.
To be an Educational Institution recognized nationally for its quality and updated services, thanks to a committed, qualified and professional work team, led under a system of values, in such a way that Kipling families and students achieve harmony in all areas of their lives.
Our philosophy is to promote the comprehensive training of our students, creating a safe and positive environment where they feel motivated, loved, respected, accepted and valued. Cultivating in them human, moral, spiritual and cultural values both in their minds and in their hearts, so that they can express themselves freely, give the best of themselves and thus achieve their success.

Bilingual Education
We provide a bilingual education to enable our students in the interaction of a globalized world, with the necessary tools and practices for any situation and decision making with universal ethical values of equality and respect.
The main values that guide our educational activity are:
- Respect
- Responsability
- Justice
- Honesty
- Loyalty
- Commitment
Kipling Profile
Kipling is a place where the seed is sown so that our graduates are good whole people, supportive, resilient, and bold. That they are technological and investigative, as well as artistic, thoughtful, good communicators and leaders with an international vision.